CosMedix Deep Sea Herbal Peel Summary
- Level 3 acid-free peel – suitable for most skin types and conditions, except sensitive / reactive skin types (requires prep)
- Effective treatment for lines & wrinkles, hyperpigmetation, photo-damage, acne, acne scaring and melasma.
- Stimulates Cell Turnover
- Stimulates Collagen and Elastin production
- Removes stubborn hyperpigmentation
- Also suitable for use on the body to treatment back acne, scaring and stretch marks.
- Some discomfort. Some downtime.
What Is The Deep Sea Herbal Peel?
CosMedix Deep Sea Herbal Peel is medium-depth, acid-free peel. A potent, non-acid peel that uses sea herbs and plant extracts to help generate collagen and stimulate deeper changes in the skin. Effective at treating all skin conditions, including melasma / hyperpigmentation, acne, skin impurities, mild acne scarring, environmental / sun damage, premature aging, fine lines, wrinkles and helps to improve skin circulation. The Deep Sea can also be used on the body to treat stretch marks and cellulite.
Unlike traditional chemical peels that use acids to exfoliate the skin, the CosMedix Deep Sea Peel is free-from all acids. Instead of using acids to dissolve the intercellular bonds between skin cells and exfoliate the skin, it uses Coral and Seaweed Extract to stimulate immense activity and renewal within the skin. Improving blood flow, oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin and assist in renewal.

How Does The Deep Sea Herbal Peel Work?
The CosMedix Deep Sea Herbal Peel lifts the epidermis to promote shedding and removal of old, damaged skin cells. The combined action of friction and marine silicates causes a micro-trauma skin and promotes the natural rejuvenation process. As excess skin is sloughed off, the skin naturally replenishes moistures levels, renews collagen synthesis and improves overall epidermal structure.
Although it's classed a "peel" treatment, the modality in the way it works is much closer to micro-needling than a chemical peel. Although it causes a peel effective, the stimulation is causes by physical micro-trauma to the skin. Microscopic silicates puncture the skin causing micro-trauma, which ignites a strong vascular and inflammatory response within the skin.
Even after the peel is removed the silicates remain in the epidermis. After treatment the the skin can feel a little sensitised for a few days, so it's not recommended for clients with sensitive skin. The sensation has been described as "broken glass" in the skin (only when touched). Over the course a few days the silicates dry the epidermis out and the skin starts to shed.
One of the great things about this peel is the improve volume in the skin. This is not something that is generally associated with peels, but look at the increase in dermal integrity and fullness in the before and after below after only one treatment (no filler or filter has been used).
CosMedix Deep Sea Herbal Peel Ingredients
Bladder Wrack Extract Powder - A variety of brown seaweed, has three major active constituents: iodine, alginic acid (a fiber) and fucoidan (fiber). High in vitamins and minerals.
Coral - Coral silicates with powerful oligo proteins, sea salt and calcium, enter cells to deliver minerals and nutrients.
Sponge - A specialized combination of medium coarse abrasive exfoliants that gently peel upper layers of skin.
Sea Herbs - An innovative blend of plant extracts enriched with natural antioxidants to restore skin structure and appearance
Shea Butter - A natural butter extracted from Shea trees enhances cell elasticity and decreases wrinkle formation. Provides slide and glide for the active Coral and Seaweed Extract.
How often can I have this treatment?
The Deep Sea Herbal Peel is a medium-depth treatment. Due to the depth this treatment works it generates immense activity within the skin. There is also some heat generated in the skin. For this reason you must leave a minimum of 4 weeks in between treatment to ensure maximum recovery.
Does this treatment require any prep?
Yes. This is Level 3 peel so the skin does need to be prepped prior to treatment. Using a CosMedix Retinol Serum and AHA products in your home care to ensure the best results. The length of meme you prep will vary depending on your skin type and concern and will be discussed with your aesthetician.
Is there anyone who can’t have this treatment?
The CosMedix Deep Sea Peel is suitable for most skin types and conditions. However it would not be suitable for a sensitive or compromised skin. This treatment is not be suitable for women who are pregnant. Also anyone currently taking Isotretinoin (or within last 6 months) would need to wait before having this treatment.
Interesting In Skin Peel Training?
If you’re a Level 3 qualified beauty therapist / aesthetician, nurse or doctor and based in the UK and would like to become certified in CosMedix metabolic skin peels, contact us to learn more about the
Medico Beauty Institute skin peel training courses by emailing us at
Want to book a Deep Sea Herbal Peel?
You can experience the Deep Sea Peel or any other CosMedix treatments at CosMedix approved salons and clinics throughout the UK & Ireland. Prices can vary depending on location. See our
store locator to find your nearest clinic.
If you have any questions about this treatment please contact us at
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