skincare ·
Your Most Common Skin Care Questions Answered
Whether you have a perfect complexion or a myriad of skin concerns, chances are you have skin care questions.
I joined Helen Farmer, the host of The LIttle Black Book segment on Dubai Eye 103.8, again to answer more of the most popular skin care questions. One common thread - no matter what the skin care concern - is that it is so essential to get back to basics and use active ingredients. It’s not about the quantity of products you use on your skin; it’s all about the quality. [playlist ids="8423"]Cleansing - The most important (and often under appreciated) step
One skin care question I hear most often is about cleansers. Like any masterpiece, the key to a clear, healthy complexion begins with a blank canvas. How do you get such a canvas? By cleansing. Cleansing is one of those things we know we need to do but often we rush right through that step. This is a big no-no, especially if your skin feels tight after cleansing. No, that tightness isn’t a sign that it’s working; it’s a sign that it’s all wrong for your skin! Too many cleansers, especially those containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, are too harsh for the skin. That includes many cleansing cloths that not only remove dirt and makeup, but also remove good oils from your skin as well. You want to put good things in, not take them out. Instead, look for ingredients that contain Lactic Acid, which is gentle on skin and brightens it as well.Try:

Vitamin A - The superhero of skin care
Another common skin care question I hear is about improving skin tone, texture, and appearance. Whether you want to diminish the appearance of fine lines, reduce pigmentation, fade scars, or improve the appearance of dark circles, Vitamin A is your new best friend. Vitamin A and retinol remodel the the skin while boosting the production of collagen. Our bodies naturally begin to produce less collagen as we age. By applying Vitamin A to the skin, it can boost cellular production and improve our overall complexions.Try:

Healing acids - Ingredients to add to skin care preparation
Women aren’t the only ones with a skin care question: Men have questions as well. I often hear questions about preventing ingrown hairs. Since men shave their facial hair on a regular basis, they’re often as risk of getting ingrown hairs. The best way to prevent ingrown hairs is by preparing the skin before you shave. This involves using preparation products that include Lactic Acid and Salicylic Acid. These acids clear the pores and prevent cellular debris from building up. Soothe the skin after shaving with healing products that contain chamomile or aloe vera.Try:

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